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Youth Mental Health

January 28, 2015

Student athletes talk mental health effects of combining sports, education

SAMHI is an awareness group that is spreading the word about the unique challenges student athletes face — like coaches…

Depression, News, Youth Mental Health
January 26, 2015

Mental Health Authority offers first aid course

As part of Mental Health First Aid Awareness, the Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority is again offering free training courses…

News, Youth Mental Health
January 23, 2015

Sandy Hook School Support Fund Seeks Public Response on Online…

The Sandy Hook School support fund is asking the public to take their survey to help them decide on ongoing…

News, Youth Mental Health
January 22, 2015

Bringing mental health first aid to Minnesota

The National Council of Behavioral Health says that it is more likely to come in contact with someone having an emotional…

News, Youth Mental Health
January 22, 2015

Hope for Self-Injurers

Do you have a friend who cuts their body with a sharp object till they bleed? How about someone who…

Depression, News, Youth Mental Health
January 20, 2015

Editorial: Mental health in the teen years

The teenage years are challenging for both those going through them and the adults trying to get the teens through…

News, Youth Mental Health
January 20, 2015

MHP to offer Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

Mental health symptoms can appear at any age,” MHP Behavioral Health Director Jan LeBahn, LISW, said. “Youth Mental Health First…

News, Youth Mental Health
January 19, 2015

Program helps adults help teens

Do you work with teenagers? Are you a parent of a child between the ages of 12 and 18? Do…

News, Youth Mental Health
January 15, 2015

First Aid for mental health

Only 20 percent of children with mental health issues are actually identified and receive mental health services each year, according…

News, Youth Mental Health
January 14, 2015

“Youth Mental Health First Aid” training underway in Helena

This week in Helena a group of nearly 30 people has gathered to learn how to spot signs of mental…

News, Youth Mental Health
January 8, 2015

Local citizens speak out at teen mental health forum

“Speak Your Mind Texas,” a community conversation addressing mental health and substance use issues in teens and young adults drew…

News, Youth Mental Health
December 31, 2014

As Suicides Spike, Some Policymakers Seek Answers

The number of suicides in America is growing, particularly in the West, but the issue rarely garners attention from most…

Depression, News, Youth Mental Health