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Youth Mental Health

May 28, 2020

Talking to Your Kids About COVID-19

COVID-19 has impacted millions of families across the country. Many of us are now working from home, with our children…

COVID-19, Mental Health First Aid, News, Self-Care, Youth Mental Health
May 26, 2020

Tips to Help Children and Youth Take Care of Their…

COVID-19 is impacting everyone in different ways. Children and youth may not be going to school or daycare, can’t see…

COVID-19, Mental Health First Aid, News, Self-Care, Youth Mental Health
October 23, 2019

YMHFA is the Most Powerful Course Ever

Often, people suffer in silence rather than admit they are struggling and need help. And too often, people turn their…

Depression, Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News, Youth Mental Health
May 28, 2019

Mental Health: Teach it Young

I was eight when my wonderful, tall, partially-bald-with-scant-red-hair dad with a smile that could light up a room died. His…

Depression, Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health Month, News, Youth Mental Health
May 22, 2019

The Question Forever: Why?

Annika was a beautiful soul we were blessed to have in our lives. She was a straight-A student, a musician…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health Month, News, Suicide, Youth Mental Health
May 20, 2019

The Day My Whole Life Changed

August 23, 2011, is a day that I will never forget. It was the day my brother took his life…

Depression, Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health Month, News, Suicide...
December 17, 2018

How to Help Someone Who Self-Harms

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you’re not sure if someone is purposefully hurting themselves with suicidal intentions, please read our guide on…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Youth Mental Health
October 10, 2018

#BeTheDifference for Teens on World Mental Health Day Yes

Today is World Mental Health Day, and this year’s focus on adolescent mental health is timely. One in five teens…

Be The Difference, News, Youth Mental Health
September 11, 2018

National Council for Mental Wellbeing Partners with Boys & Girls… Yes

The National Council for Mental Wellbeing is proud to partner with Boys & Girls Clubs of America to train local…

News, Youth Mental Health
August 10, 2018

Teachers are Making a Difference in Student Health with Mental…

Mental health is an issue that touches teachers and school administrators in their work across the country. ThriveNYC has teamed…

Schools, ThriveNYC, Youth Mental Health
August 10, 2018

Every Eye Closed, Every Head Bowed

“If you see something, say something” became a popular slogan in the aftermath of 9/11; however, my eyes bore witness…

Guest Commentary, Schools, ThriveNYC, Youth Mental Health
August 6, 2018

6 Ways to Support Your College Student’s Mental Health

College marks a new beginning in a child’s life – for many it’s the first tentative steps away from the…

Be The Difference, News, Schools, Youth Mental Health