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President Declares May as National Mental Health Month


Last week, President Barack Obama signed a presidential declaration proclaiming May as Mental Health Month. Throughout the month, there will be important events and opportunities to expand awareness and increase knowledge about mental health care and supporting those in need. Even though one in five Americans experience a mental health condition every year, the public remains largely ignorant about the impact of mental illness on our society – and what we as family members, friends, consumers, and concerned citizens can do to help.

“This month, we must bring mental illness out of the shadows and encourage treatment for those who might benefit; it is our shared responsibility to recognize the signs of psychological and emotional distress and to support those in need,” said the presidential declaration. “We must strive to remove the stigma around mental illness and its treatment, overcome fear and is understanding, and make sure all those dealing with a mental health issue know they are not alone. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness – taking action to help yourself is a sign of strength.”


Celebrate Mental Health Month with us and keep track of events throughout the month!

May 7: Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day. Get the facts with the Child Mind Institute’s Speak Up for Kids campaign.

May 8: Youth Mental Health First Aid webinar

May 18: Older Americans Mental Health Week (new Mental Health First Aid curriculum!)

May 25: Veterans and Military Mental Health Week


Join the National Council in spreading the word throughout Mental Health Month! Feel free to use any of our resources as your own or share them as they are. Also, please be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us at to share updates throughout May on these resources and let us know what you are doing to raise awareness of mental health in your community.

The post President Declares May as National Mental Health Month appeared first on Capitol Connector.

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