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Prioritizing Mental Wellbeing for Women in the Workplace

For years, women have faced unique obstacles when it comes to economic security, workplace inclusion and access to mental health resources. But lately, there have been breakthroughs of hope. Women are making their mental health a priority and employers are taking responsibility for positive changes in the workplace when it comes to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.

Women and men experience similar rates of mental health and substance use challenges, but among those challenges, women are twice as likely to develop depression, generalized anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Several factors contribute to these disparities, such as pay inequity, unbalanced responsibilities in the home and underrepresentation at work.

You can help. As an employer, you can promote inclusivity, acceptance and encouragement for women by:

  • Communicating resources and providing mental health training. Executives, human resources and other company leaders can demonstrate their dedication to mental wellbeing for women by sharing resources via email and investing in programs that support mental health.
  • Building mental health into policies, procedures and measurement. This includes employee benefits, paid time off, leave and flexible working hours.
  • Fostering flexibility and sustainable ways of working. Set respectable, after-hour boundaries and realistic workloads. Leading by example will underscore those practices and show employees that they will not be penalized or discriminated against.
  • Being personable. At the end of the day, being relatable — and even vulnerable — can reduce stigma and increase trust.

The National Council for Mental Wellbeing recognizes the obstacles women face in the workplace and strives to help employers understand how to break the cycle of inequality:

  • Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) at Work is a training program that teaches employees how to recognize, identify and respond when a coworker may be experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge.
  • NatCon23 is an annual mental health and substance use conference that brings together hundreds of speakers on health care and mental wellbeing, thousands of attendees and more than 200 exhibitors and sponsors. Events include panels discussions, workshops, and symposiums.

Though mental health and wellbeing for women has come a long way, there is much ground still to cover. Awareness is a first step, but actual change needs to come next. #BetheDifference for women employees starting today.

To learn more about MHFA at Work, visit and complete the inquiry form.



American Psychiatry Association. (n.d.). Diversity and health equity education: women.

Greenwood, K. (2022, March 18). How organizations can support women’s mental health at work.

Mental Health America. (n.d.). Mind the workplace 2022.

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