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Author Archive: October 2023

Bipolar Disorder: How to Help with Mental Health First Aid

March 29, 2022
You know that feeling when everything is going great, and suddenly you realize you’re 10 minutes late for an appointment, someone is rude to you or you drop everything you’re carrying? You know how that irritation can send you spiraling?...
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Protecting Your Mental Wellbeing as the Seasons Change

March 22, 2022
The moment many of us have been eagerly awaiting – the start of Spring — has finally arrived! Did you know that natural medicine traditions like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine base their entire understanding of health on the distinctions...
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How and Why to Practice Self-care

March 14, 2022
With mental health challenges on the increase– rates of depression alone have tripled during the COVID-19 pandemic — it’s possible that you may find yourself or someone you know in need of support. To be equipped to offer that support,...
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On Employee Appreciation Day 2022, Focus on Mental Health

March 4, 2022
More than 33 million U.S. workers have quit their jobs since Spring 2021, and this wave, dubbed the “Great Resignation,” has focused the attention of workers and employers on mental wellbeing at work. And for good reason! Research indicates that...
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Taking Care of Yourself and Others When It’s All Bad News (or Seems Like It)

March 2, 2022
If you or someone you care about feels overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression or anxiety, or like you want to harm yourself or others call 911. You can also contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA)...
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Seasonal Affective Disorder: Understand and Overcome It

February 22, 2022
Many people go through periods where their moods are impacted by the changing of the seasons. Feeling ‘down’ in the winter is a common experience, as well as periods of anxiety when the days are shorter and the nights are...
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Black Mental Health Matters: A Resource Guide

February 14, 2022
“Black History Month is typically a time of reflection. A time to acknowledge the challenges and celebrate the triumphs. Yet, our current circumstance is anything but typical.” These words, taken from a 2021 Mental Health First Aid blog post by...
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How to Survive (and Thrive) This Valentine’s Day

February 8, 2022
Somewhere around the time the New Year’s Eve parties ended, retail displays transformed from winter wonderlands to Cupid’s playgrounds. But whether you dread it or eagerly anticipate it, Valentine’s Day can also serve as a reminder that we can all...
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Helping Your Friend Connect with a Trusted Adult

January 24, 2022
Being a teenager isn’t always simple, especially with the added complications of the COVID-19 pandemic – online school, changing physical distancing guidelines, activities put on hold. The last two years have been a whirlwind at best. If you have had...
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How Protective Factors Can Promote Resilience

January 18, 2022
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an estimated 52.9 million people, or 21% of adults ages 18 years or older, experience a mental health or substance use challenge each year. As the COVID-19 pandemic lingers, those...
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Make Mental Wellbeing a Priority During COVID-19

January 4, 2022
It’s safe to say that the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a major impact on all of our lives. Keeping distance from family and friends, and quarantining when sick, are difficult and necessary actions to reduce the spread of COVID-19,...
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Prepare for a Healthy New Year with Tips from Mental Health First Aid

December 27, 2021
As 2021 comes to an end, you may be reflecting on the year that has passed and planning for the year to come. This past year was challenging for many, but we now have the opportunity to refocus and have...
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