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Author Archive: September 2023

How to Ask Your Boss for a Mental Health Day

March 29, 2021
The events of the past year and the COVID-19 pandemic have changed how we shop, socialize, learn, and work. And while some of us are working from home and some of us are still commuting into the office, there is...
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Five Ways to Wind Down and Relax Before Bed

March 24, 2021
We’ve all been there: the evening is winding down, you’re finishing just one more show before you get ready to sleep. You do your nighttime routine, get comfortable, and once you get into bed, suddenly you can’t sleep. You’re thinking...
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Stress, Anxiety, Depression: What it Looks Like at Work and How to Provide Support

March 22, 2021
Recent data show that we are actually working more now than before the COVID-19 pandemic and that productivity increased 47% in 2020. Work can be stressful. Now that so many of us are seeing our work and our home lives...
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How to Take Care of Yourself When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

March 17, 2021
Let’s get real: there are times in life when you’re going to feel overwhelmed. Whether it be with work, school, social obligations or just life in general, we all feel overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed at some point. It’s important to...
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The Sunday Blues: A Guide to Help You Understand and Overcome Them

March 12, 2021
There is no feeling quite like Friday afternoon – the whole weekend is ahead of you and the possibilities seem endless. But somehow the weekend is never long enough, and it’s Sunday before you know it. Cue the Sunday Blues...
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Four Simple Tips to Help You Manage Anxiety Related to COVID-19

March 2, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a range of emotions, including anxiety, grief, uncertainty and sadness. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 40% of U.S. adults are struggling with their mental health, with 31% reporting...
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Addressing Increasing Suicide Rates in the Black Community: How You Can Help

February 24, 2021
As we celebrate Black History Month, we want to take a closer look at mental health within the Black community and provide insight, resources, and ways we support one another. The COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged many of us to take...
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Understand Workplace Concerns of Black Employees

February 22, 2021
In a few days, the month typically set aside for national recognition of the history and achievements of Black people in the United States will come to a close. It is indeed a unique year for this celebration, following the...
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A Practical Guide to Self-care When Working from Home

February 19, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new “normal” that is nearly unrecognizable for many of us. Gone is the hustle and bustle of life and simple things like running errands, going to school, commuting into the office and spending time...
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Supporting the Black Community as a Mental Health First Aider

February 17, 2021
As we celebrate Black History Month, we want to acknowledge what mental health means in the Black community and share resources to help you support your peers, friends, and communities as a Mental Health First Aider. As a Mental Health...
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Six Ways to Reassure a Colleague

October 26, 2020
There are times in life where many of us could use some reassurance. We may need reassurance when making a difficult decision, facing a new challenge, or dealing with a mental health or substance use concern. When facing a mental...
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Four Tips to Help Manage Burnout

October 13, 2020
Nearly 83% of United States workers experience work-related stress across the country. This stress causes approximately 1 million employees to miss work every day and can lead to drops in productivity.
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