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Author Archive: June 2023

How to Create Your Own Self-Care Plan

July 7, 2020
You may have heard it before: You can’t help others without taking care of yourself first. Self-care is an important way to protect your physical, mental and emotional health so you can better adapt to changes, build strong relationships and...
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Five Tips to Help You Practice Self-Love

June 23, 2020
The idea of practicing self-love can be daunting. We’re constantly facing internal and external challenges, such as busy schedules that make pausing for self-love or self-care seem impossible. However, taking small steps each day or week to take care of...
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#BeTheDifference During Pride Month

June 10, 2020
June is Pride Month. It’s a time for LGBTQ+ communities to come together and celebrate love, diversity, acceptance and self-pride. It is a reminder that you should love and be proud of yourself and those around you. We know that...
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Essential Self-Care for Essential Workers on the Frontlines of COVID-19

June 8, 2020
If you’re a frontline worker, we thank you for your work and applaud your courage. You’re keeping society running in the face of some extreme stressors during the COVID-19 pandemic! The good news is, you’re not in it alone, and...
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Talking to Your Kids About COVID-19

May 28, 2020
COVID-19 has impacted millions of families across the country. Many of us are now working from home, with our children home and away from school. Your kids may be worried, confused or scared about what is happening around the world...
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Tips to Help Children and Youth Take Care of Their Mental Health During COVID-19

May 26, 2020
COVID-19 is impacting everyone in different ways. Children and youth may not be going to school or daycare, can’t see their friends on a regular basis, and might not be able to even play outside. Kids sometimes do not know...
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Five Ways to Protect Your Mental Health With MHFA

May 20, 2020
If you or someone you care about feels overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression or anxiety, or like you want to harm yourself or others call 911. You can also contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA)...
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The Importance of Maintaining a Routine While at Home

May 15, 2020
Having a routine can make you feel more grounded and prepared for the day ahead. “Carrying out routine activities reduces stress by making the situation appear more controllable and predictable,” said Indumathi Bendi, a primary care physician at Piedmont Healthcare....
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Staying Mentally Healthy During COVID-19: Tips for Police Officers

May 11, 2020
Police officers are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, faced with enforcing the law while potentially confronting the coronavirus. Although in some places crime rates are dropping because of physical distancing, police officers continue to work long and tiring...
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How to Support Caregivers While Physical Distancing

May 6, 2020
If you or someone you care about feels overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression or anxiety, or like you want to harm yourself or others call 911. You can also contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA)...
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Supporting Friends During COVID-19

April 24, 2020
It’s hard not to see your friends at school or on weekends because of physical distancing. However, you can still stay connected to them while at home with video chats, text messaging, phone calls and social media. You can maintain...
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Tips to Help Teens Cope During COVID-19

April 21, 2020
When our world changes quickly and suddenly because of things like COVID-19, it is common to experience changes in our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Feelings of anxiety, fear or worry are typical in stressful situations. Typical reactions include: Feeling stressed...
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